
Thank you for considering contributing to nx3d.

This project is free and open source, so the best way to contribute is by writing code.

  • Pick an issue from the issue tracker or bring your own issue.

  • Clone the code

  • Setup the dev environment

  • Test the code with pytest

  • Check the code with the pre-commits and make a PR

Setup the development environment

You can do this as you like, though you might consider using pyenv and poetry for replicable virtual environments and package management:

  1. Install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv for managing virtual environments.

  2. Run pyenv install 3.10.7 or whichever supported version of Python.

  3. Run pyenv virtualenv 3.10.7 nx3d3107 to create the virtual environment.

  4. Run pyenv activate nx3d3107 to activate the virtual environment. python --version should be correct.

  5. Install poetry for managing dependencies and virtual environments.

  6. Run poetry shell to open a clean shell. which python should be a poetry shim.

  7. Run poetry install to install the project, dependencies, and developer dependencies.

  8. Run poetry install . -e to install a development copy of nx3d.

Verify the setup by running python -m nx3d. You should see a popup appear with a neat little graph widget you can spin around and zoom in on.

If you need to update project dependencies, note that that you will need to use poetry.

First time updating the docs

I used brew install python-sphinx, see installation instructions on